Wednesday, June 30, 2010

525,600 Minutes x 10...

Courtney's ChronicAls are back. I have missed the group conversations about nothing...the rants and vents about meaningless social media, and of course the outlet for which I can say what's on my mind and get away with it like my Granparents do!
For those who remember, and I know who you are..here is the next Courtney Chronical since I was living in Houma and working at McDonalds-uhmm, Max Foods Mgt, LLC.
Alot has changed since I last wrote one of these things. As I mentioned, I used to live in Houma and work in the administrative part of the locally owned McDonalds. I no longer do that. I decided to go back to school and finish my degree and be closer to Casey (my now Husband). We finally finished school and then moved back home to New Orleans. A month later we were engaged and a year and a half later -we got married. I am giving the unabriged version of these events, but believe me my art of story telling on these subjects will be sure to give you a good read later on.
So, yada yada yada-we live in NOLA and I work on the Northshore in Covington. If you know me, you know that there is nothing ordinary about me-I commute to work. That is not the kicker...I am a Causeway cruiser. I own a toll tag and thus far have avoided all of the causeway police speed traps. I drive 45-60 minutes twice a day to the most over-populated place on earth and I arrive at work to process and dispatch car repossessions. Yes, I went from McD's to a Car Reposession career. I must say though...it is not always an uninteresting job. I have gotten repo orders for local celebrities-mostly in the NOLA area of course. It always causes a stir when you get to scream to the next office " just got an order for C#a##e#s #ra#t"-but don't worry, if your name comes across my desk, I won't tell anyone. Confidentiality.
Besides the commute, the Northshore isn't terrible. Most of my Family lives on this side of the lake now and I can't complain about the shops in downtown Covington. Also, Nonna Randazzo's is right up the road and she serves Randazzo King Cakes all year round.
My original reasoning for writing these (what used to be Friday afternoon) emails was to keep contact with all of the people that have been in and out of my life. I have gotten some of the best advice from Chronical followers, such as "Relationships take work". If I see someone that I haven't seen in a long time, the Chronicals usually get brought up. It makes me feel good that something I did stuck out. If that makes sense. So with that, I hope that this 2010 way of Chronicalling helps those who have stayed in contact remain and those who may have lost touch reconnect. Here is me trying to work at maintaining relationships.

With that let me say a few things.

I am aware that Chronical is spelled incorrectly. That is a Courtney twist on things.

I hope to hear back from you (whomever is reading this, saying people read this)

I named my title of my first blog after a lyric in the song Seasons of Love, made popular by the Broadway phenomenon RENT (a rock opera based off of La boheme, music and lyrics by Jonathan Larson-gotta give credit where credit is due).I love musicals. I listen to the showtunes station often. I owe a shout out to my dear friend Sarah Jones for being my Broadway buddy in college. She was supposed to be helping me with my classes, but our tutoring sessions would often end up opening a bottle of wine and trying to learn the lyrics to a song from Cabaret. I would have aced a class like that, except theatre class at LSU consisted of reciting paragraphs from the freaking The Glass Menagerie. Anyway, I thought 525,600 minutes would be appropriate since this is a "revival" of sorts.

I hope this finds everyone. Happy Fourth of July!


  1. YAY!! So glad to have you back "chronicalling". :)

  2. I glad the Sherminator is back to writing these little pieces again!

  3. I had no idea you are a writer! Awesome piece.

  4. YAY! So excited, I used to look forward to this every week.
    With that said - had way too much fun at your wedding (lost my camara too) and was hungover pretty much until Monday. I guess that means it was a success. Hope you had as much fun as I did. PS Loved the band!

  5. And the title of your next should be...MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!
    Thanks for starting these again. I was telling Lara about them at the wedding, but now she can read them herself!
    You forgot to mention that you never came over to my apartment with books, only with wine and CDs...thus making it hard to study!
    Yeah Courtney Chronicals are back!

  6. Yay!! Back by popular demand!!
